Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Just a little post to say hello
We are three best friends who will post about beauty, fashion, D.I.Ys and anything else that catches our eye. 

We want to provide what we think is missing in the life of teenage girls, especially when they are on a budget. To provide to these needs, we would eventually like to open an online shop, selling in-style clothing, jewellery and nails – all for low prices. 

Hopefully you will get to know us through our regular posts and make sure you check out our links to twitter, tumblr, instagram and email us if you any queries, suggestions, or if you just want to chat. 

See you later xx


  1. Hi Girls .

    Your blog is really sweet/cute , really like it .

    I followed back : ]


  2. Hey girls! lovely blog :) would you want to do a button swap? if you do then contact me somewhere on my blog and we'll sort it! xx
