Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Tie Dye

Yesterday we all got together and decided to make some tie dye t-shirts. We bought some plain white t-shirts and a range of different dylon dyes.
(L-R) sunshine yellow, ocean blue, tulip red, flamingo pink, bahama blue, intense violettie the t-shirt up with elastic bands and dip into the dye.
tie the t-shirts with elastic bands.

After the first set of dying.
Dip into a different colour if you want more than one colour.
 the finished product.


  1. Thats so cool, i love the afteraffect


  2. Haha wow this is insane how much work went in to this post. Great pictures too :) nice to meet you girls xxx

  3. Wow, these tshirts came out really well. I remember getting a chance to do this at school but I want to do it over the Summer now. Greats posts you girls have. :) x

  4. These look wicked! I love the multi-coloured ones the most, they are amazing :-) Nice job girlies! xoxo
